26 Eylül 2010 Pazar


1-Noah And The Whale-5 Years Time /Peaceful The World Lays Me Down
2-Woven hand-Oil on panel/Consider the birds
3- Woven Hand-Sparrow falls/Consider the birds
4-16 Horsepower-Strong Man/Sackcloth 'n' Ashes
5-16 Horsepower-I Seen What I Saw/Sackcloth 'n' Ashes
6-Grizzly Bear-All We Ask/Veckatimest
7-Grizzly Bear-Fine for Now /Veckatimest
8- Jim O'Rourke-The Workplace/Halfway To A Threeway [EP]
9-Jim O'Rourke-Not Sport, Marital Art/Halfway To A Threeway [EP]
10-Noah and the Whale-My Broken Heart/The First Days of Spring

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